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To fight the annual monotony, we spoil you with various special evenings and events. We serve menus, special dishes and drinks in a themed atmosphere.

On the Sylt Scampi Evening you will have the feeling you’re sitting in a fish restaurant by the North Sea, on the Roman Candle Night, 172 candles light up the restaurant, or at the Festival of Lights, the restaurant is colorfully illuminated and after the 4-course menu you take a bus through illuminated Berlin, a highlight one must experience.

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Februar 2024

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März 2024

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April 2024

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Mai 2024

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EBERT Restaurant & Bar
Eisenzahnstraße 59
10709 Berlin

Email: info@restaurant-ebert.de
Phone: (+49) 030 8 91 75 67


Opening Hours

Restaurant 15:00 to 23:00 o' clock
Bar 12:00  to 01:00 o' clock
Kitchen closing at 22:00 o' clock


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